The history of microcements
The history of microcements, and actually polymer modified concrete, began in the 1930s. At that time, British scientists created a mix of cement with rubber. It turned out that the product exhibited high anti-corrosive properties. Thanks to its high adhesive properties, the British have also used this product in the shipbuilding industry to coat steel ships’ nails to increase corrosion protection.
Composite materials and polymer concrete
After the Second World War, polymer technology was heavily developed in the USA, Canada and Japan. In addition to natural polymers (such as, for example, rubbers), synthetic polymers (liquid, powder, or fiber) have been intensively tested. The primary purpose of using various composites for concrete mixes was to create products that could have better mechanical and strength properties. By using the right combination of ingredients, we have managed to create new products that have features and properties that a single ingredient would not be able to achieve.
The result of many years of work and tests is a wide range of products such as:
- Injection products for repair and completion of cracks in concrete,
- surface repair products for concrete,
- admixtures for concrete concretes (aerating, plasticizing, acceleration and retardation, etc.)
- fibroblocks, fibroconcrete
- decorative flooring materials – microcement.
Microcement – great resistance in a very thin layer
Microcements are mostly products consisting of two components: liquid polymer and dry powder. After mixing the two components, you get the material you can cover the floor giving it an unmatched industrial character. After bonding, the material is characterized by high abrasion resistance and tightness.
Micro-cement technology finds its application primarily in offices and lounges, as well as in kitchens and bathrooms. Thanks to its water resistance, it can be used to cover showers and baths enclosures.
Microcement, microtopping, waxed concrete, béton ciré, Betonoptik
Decorative materials for polymeric flooring with a thickness of about 2mm, are found under many names. The most popular in English-speaking world is microcement. In Spain and Italy the same name is used – microcemento. However, these products can also be found under the name of Waxed Concrete (French: béton ciré), Microtopping (term used mainly in English and Italian naming), Microcrete or Microbeton or Mikrozement or Betonoptik (in Germany).
Spain: microcemento
Italy: microcemento
Poland: mikrocement
Hungary: mikrocement
France: béton ciré
Germany: Mikrozement or Betonoptik
Ukraine: мікроцемент
Russia: микроцемент
Finland: mikrosementti
Norway: mikrosement
Brazil: cimento queimado
Portugal: microcimento